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匹配条件: “ 王洋” ,找到相关结果约388086条。
Low Intensity Anticoagulant Therapy after Prosthetic Mechanical Valve Replacement

, 张义和
Advances in Clinical Medicine (ACM) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/ACM.2021.1111767
Abstract: 人工机械瓣膜置换术术后患者往往需要终身服用药物抗凝治疗,而抗凝治疗强度与患者凝血功能情况和后期是否发生出血或栓塞并发症关系密切。对于术后患者来说制定合理抗凝目标至关重要,本文通过探讨低强度抗凝治疗在人工机械瓣膜置换术术后患者身上的发展及应用,做一综述,希望本文能对心脏机械瓣膜置换术后患者的低强度抗凝治疗提供理论支持。
Patients after prosthetic mechanical valve replacement often require lifelong pharmacological anticoagulation therapy, and the intensity of anticoagulation therapy is closely related to the coagulation status of patients and whether bleeding or embolic complications occur. It is very important for postoperative patients to formulate reasonable anticoagulant goals. This paper discusses the development and application of low-intensity anticoagulant therapy in patients after prosthetic mechanical valve replacement. It is hoped that this paper can provide theoretical support for low-intensity anticoagulant therapy after mechanical heart valve replacement.
Diagnosis, Treatment and Thinking of Surgical Treatment of 10 Cases of Infective Endocarditis

, 张义和
Hans Journal of Surgery (HJS) , 2022, DOI: 10.12677/HJS.2022.111002
Abstract: 感染性心内膜炎(infective endocarditis, IE)具有严重并发症和较高死亡率的疾病,其主要病因是微生物引起的心内膜感染,但临床中起病原因较多,临床表现复杂,是一种死亡率较高的心血管系统疾病,通过10例感染性心内膜炎患者手术治疗的诊疗分析进一步探讨相关指南提出的感染性心内膜炎外科诊疗及手术时机的相关进展。
Infective endocarditis (IE) has a disease with serious complications and high mortality, and its main etiology is microorganism induced endocardial infection, but it has more causes in the clinic and complex clinical manifestations, is a cardiovascular system disease with high mortality, the diagnosis and treatment of infective endocarditis suggested by the relevant guidelines were further explored through the analysis of the diagnosis and treatment of the 10 infective endocarditis patients who underwent surgery.
Visual Analysis of Research on Chinese Students’ Key Competencies in Mathematics

Advances in Education (AE) , 2024, DOI: 10.12677/ae.2024.143439
Abstract: 目的:归纳出中国学生数学核心素养领域的研究现状及热点,分析学术前沿趋势。方法:使用CiteSpace 6.2.R6对中国知网2015~2023年以“数学&核心素养”为篇名高级检索出的1715篇有效文献进行知识图谱分析,揭示数学核心素养研究领域的发展脉络和研究热点。结果:生成发文量走势图,以及作者和机构、关键词共现和聚类、关键词时间线和突现等图谱。结论:论文年度发文量趋于稳定,累计发文量呈线性增长趋势,早期侧重数学学科及核心素养内涵研究;中期侧重以实践为导向的理论研究;后期侧重教学方法及教学模式的创新研究,最后针对研究领域中存在的问题提出四点建议。研究结论为中国学生数学核心素养的研究提供了理论参考。
Objective: To summarize the research status and hotspots in the field of Chinese students’ Key Competencies in mathematics, and to analyze the trend of academic frontiers. Methods: CiteSpace 6.2.R6 was used to analyze the knowledge mapping of 1707 valid documents retrieved from China Knowledge Network (CNKI) from 2015 to 2023 with “Mathematics & Key Competencies” as the title to reveal the development of the research field of Key Competencies in mathematics and the hotspots of research. Results: Trends in the number of publications were generated, as well as maps of authors and organizations, keyword co-occurrence and clustering, and keyword timeline and emergence. Conclusion: The annual number of papers issued tends to be stable; the cumulative number of articles issued shows a linear growth trend; the early stage focuses on the study of the mathematics discipline and the connotation of Key Competencies; the middle stage focuses on practice-oriented theoretical research; the later stage focuses on the research of the innovation of teaching methodology and mode of teaching, and finally, four suggestions are put forward to address the problems of the research field. The conclusions of the study provide theoretical references for the study of Chinese students’ Key Competencies in mathematics.
Moldflow-Based Molding Optimization Analysis on Pot Head

Mechanical Engineering and Technology (MET) , 2014, DOI: 10.12677/MET.2014.34026
With the rapid development of plastic industry and the wide use of plastic product, the require-ments of mold design are getting much higher. And the traditional mold design method can’t meet current requirements. To improve the quality of plastic products and shorten product development cycle, more analysis softwares are used to assist the design of plastic mold. In this paper, the best gate location of pot head is analyzed with Moldflow in the molding process. According to the numerical simulation of the main three aspects of the pouring, cooling and warpage, the possible defects of plastic products are predicted. The modified molding process parameters, design pro-grams and other methods are utilized to improve all aspects of the corresponding problems in or-der to optimize the entire plastic molding process.
Scientific and Technical Innovation Efficiency Analysis of Shaanxi Universities: A DEA-Malmquist Analysis

, 段婕
Creative Education Studies (CES) , 2014, DOI: 10.12677/CES.2014.23006
This paper uses data envelopment analysis to examine the technical efficiency (TE) of universities in Shaanxi province in the period 2003-2012. It is concluded that the science and technology in-novation performance of Shaanxi University is gradually increasing. We then use Malmquist index to distinguish between changes in relative efficiency brought about by movements towards or away from the efficiency frontier in a given year and shifts in this frontier over time. The analysis indicates that there is a substantial rise in TE and technology progress sore, and a relatively slower rise in technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency. The rising TE scores are largely attributed to the gains in congestion efficiency, with pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency playing minor roles. Therefore, the primary task of Shaanxi University is system and management innovation.
Analysis of Continuous Snowfall Caused by Shear Line in Middle and Low Layer

Climate Change Research Letters (CCRL) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/CCRL.2020.95065
In this paper, NCEP reanalysis data is used to diagnose a snowfall process, and it is concluded that the main influence system of high level is vortex, and the influence system of middle and low level is shear line; in addition, the existence and maintenance of shear line of middle and low level are the main reason for the long duration of snowfall, and the main reason for the maintenance of shear line is the supplementary infiltration of cold air in the middle level; this weather process is accompanied by the South Branch trough with the activity of subtropical high, the southwest air flow in the front of the South Branch trough and the southwest air flow in the west of the subtropical high transport a lot of warm and wet air for precipitation formation, which is the main water vapor source of precipitation formation; the specific humidity in the middle and lower layers has a good indication for the prediction of snowfall intensity, and the distribution of the high value area of relative humidity in the lower layers has a good indication for the prediction of the starting and ending time of snowfall; suggestions in the process of service support, the forecaster adopts the service mode of continuous follow-up and progressive supply. When releasing all kinds of forecast and early warning information, the forecaster can gradually refine the forecast conclusion according to the advance amount, so as to remind first and then early warning.
Research on the Financial Sensitivity of Heating Enterprises to Invoice Controlling Tax Policy—Take the State-Owned Farm Heating Station as an Example

, 树锋
Finance (FIN) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/FIN.2020.106059
Abstract: 针对中国“三北地区”国有农场自供热生产企业经营乏力而又饱受资金紧张困扰的客观实际,结合国家对增值税实施“以票控税”政策和给予供热企业实施免税优惠照顾政策,采用判断推理法、对比法和案例分析法等,简述了以票控税的政策涵义,剖析了国有农场供热企业纳税状况及问题,着重探讨了国有农场供热企业对增值税以票控税政策实施的财务敏感性表现,并据以提出了可为农场供热企业科学制定采购发票以克服财务敏感性的建议。
Aiming at the objective reality that the state-owned farm self-heating production enterprises in China’s “Three Norths” are weak in operation and suffering from financial constraints, combined with the state’s implementation of the “Control tax by invoice” and the provision of heating enter-prises. The implementation of tax-free preferential care policies, using judgment and reasoning, comparison and case analysis, briefly described the policy implications of controlling taxes by in-voices, analyzed the tax status and problems of state-owned farm heating companies, and focused on the state-owned farm heating companies. Based on the performance of the financial sensitivity of the implementation of the VAT invoice control tax policy, it has put forward positive suggestions that can scientifically formulate the purchase invoice control system for farm heating enterprises to overcome financial sensitivity.
Research on the Linguistic Landscape of University in China: Taking Dalian Maritime University for an Example

Modern Linguistics (ML) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/ML.2021.93080
Abstract: 本文以豪根“语言的生态学理论”和Grice的“合作原则”为理论指导,构建了一个语言景观研究框架,主要分为语言本体和语言与环境两部分,以这两部分为基准,对大连海事大学校内的语言景观进行分析。研究发现,从语言本体来看,语种方面中文居多,其中双语标牌以“汉字 + 拼音”的模式居多,而“英语 + 汉语”的模式较少。语言本体大部分符合Grice的“合作原则”,但少部分标牌存在一些问题,主要体现在英语单词用词不准确和字母大小写上。从语言景观和周围环境来看,大连海事大学标牌的选择与设计都非常契合周围的语言生态。
Based on Haugen’s “Language Ecology Theory” and Grice’s “Cooperation Principle”, this paper constructs a linguistic landscape research framework, which is mainly divided into two parts: language ontology and the relationship between language and environment. We use this frame-work to analyze the linguistic landscape in Dalian Maritime University. The study found that the majority of languages on signs are Chinese from the perspective of language ontology. And among those bilingual signs, most of them are in the “Chinese character + Pinyin” model, while the number of “English + Chinese” model is very few. Most of the language on the sign conforms to Grice’s “cooperation principle”, but few signs have some problems, which mainly reflected in the inaccurate use of English words and the capitalization of letters. From the perspective of the relationship between language and its surrounding environment, the design of the signs of Dalian Maritime University is very consistent with the surrounding language ecology.

工程力学 , 1985,
Abstract: 一座由天津体育服务公司和法国法郎地——良得利公司合资兴建的“津法奥林匹克大厦”,不久将拨地而起。该大厦计划建筑面积约一万四千平方米,立体建筑十五层。备有游泳、地球、台球、乒乓球、羽毛球、武术、气功,以及身体测试、激光游艺、棋类等十几项具有国际先进水平的体育健身、康复、培训设施,并附设客房、餐厅、咖啡厅、酒吧间等。

煤炭工程 , 2012,
Abstract: 以选前湿法脱泥工艺为前提,对常规煤泥水处理工艺进行了分析和数据计算。针对常规煤泥水处理方法的不足,提出了优化后的煤泥水处理方法并进行了计算。数据预测结果显示,新的煤泥水处理工艺在提高入浮浓度、减少大粒度产品损失和缓解浓缩压滤系统负荷等方面具有明显的优势。

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